Imagine a fuschia pink feathered bird in a tropical setting, with long legs and a funny beak. Now imagine that same bird hanging around at a Chinese restaurant having Dim Sum.
Flamingo on Cambie Street in Vancouver… a sparkly sign; tanks of live fish, elastic banded brown lobsters and spidery, spindly King Crab; pink tablecloths, hot steamed har-gow and pink-outfitted waitresses.
The last time I took my Poh poh to Flamingo, there was a quiet table in the corner: an older, heavy-set, awkward looking Caucasian man and a young, thin, heavily made up Asian girl in short skirt, high boots and skanky-ish shirt. Sweet and sour pork sat between them, and no conversation or even remote interest in each other took place. I wondered if “throw in a Chinese dinner” was part of the deal they made??
At another table a little fat kid squirmed around on a burgundy velveteen chair, squirmed all the way out of his tshirt and fell on his butt on the floor with no shirt on.
WILDCARDS at Flamingo!!!
Pictured here: dim sum with my Poh poh, mom and dad on a weekday afternoon.
Doesn’t that crab at the bottom just look like he’s saying “hellloooo” to the camera??
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