Well hello there friend! Yes indeed – I’m celebrating SIX years of blogging. That is an insaneo long time, isn’t it? Today I’m going to tell you about what it’s been like BLOGGING for six years about CAKE ‘n’ stuff.
In a nutshell, here’s wuh happened:
1. I started my blog in 2008 to document my sudden obsession with baking. Back then, I learned from books mostly, and a few online tutorials. The internet was nothing like it is now as far as resources – like this Creativebug Wilton Cake Decorating series SO did not exist back then.
2. I decided I loved baking – so then I started a cupcake biz. Back then, cupcakes were still sort of cool.
3. I went loco dingo wild making cupcakes and creating some pretty fun projects. I worked my butt off and my biz grew like crazy between 2009-2011. I excitedly and obsessively blogged every cake or cupcake I made. I knew nothing about all those blogging tips that are so readily available now – SEO, when to post during the day, social media, blahblahblah – I would post six times a day if I felt like it, and post at 11pm at night. I named my images things like DSC8090.
4. Even so, the interwebz liked what I was doing and my work was getting passed around like the town bicycle. Like this Very Hungry Caterpillar Cupcakes Cake. I was getting some mad hits – 80,000 pageviews per month. Too bad I was too cool to put ads on my blog back then. DAMNIT! (Sad face)
5. In 2012 I dropped off the face of the blog planet when I became pregnant and then went through a pretty bad depression.
6. In 2013 I CAME BACK WITH A Rambo-like vengeance… only to find many of my followers had moved on. A blog with no new posts in 10 months is going to lose some fans, heh. Still, I was determined to rebuild my audience, work really hard and try to make a living at blogging and freelance writing.
7. In April 2014 I finally moved away from Blogger (I was clinging to it hard because it was all I knew) and with the help of two great friends, launched this here COCO CAKE LAND blog which I love and cherish! I love my blog TOO much!
8. In September 2014, I’m still chugging along like the little cake engine that could, building up the nicest cake-lovin’ blog following again, meeting many new pals, baking up mad storms, brewing up cakey ideas and writing for some great websites along the way. I’ve made some amazing friends through my blog, some I’ve met in real life and some I have yet to meet in person – and have felt the love and support along the way. So THANK YOU for being a friend – it really means a lot!!!
To celebrate six years of cakey-ness, I wanted to make my blog a birthday cake. I sort of imagine my computer taking a lil bite of this pink pretty thing. I’m weird. So here is the most simple but make-a-splash cuterific pink party cake tutorial for you. You all know how much I love the buttercream piped cakes. I have deep love for the piping bag. This cake takes pink cake layers, white vanilla buttercream and tinted pink buttercream in a piping bag fitted with an open circle tip. I used my fave Wilton 1 A open circle tip.
1. Start with a pink vanilla layered cake. Frost and fill your cake.
2. Apply a crumb coat of creamy vanilla buttercream.
3. Smooth using a cake scraper; chill in freezer for 15 minutes.
4. Remove from freezer and apply a final coat of buttercream.
5. Using the cake scraper, smooth the edges and top until you are happy chappy.
6. Fill your piping bag with pink vanilla buttercream. Squeeze out and pull away quickly to reveal a “blobette” with a nice point.
7. Place pretty, evenly spaced blobettes all over the top of the cake.
8. Carefully place tiny sugar pearls on top of each blobette. I used these “multi color dragees” in 8mm from my local cooking supplies shop.
Slice on in to your pretty pink party cake! So cute and pretty! I love the contrast of the white and the vibrant electric pink.
Happy happy blog birthday to MEEEEE! Hope you liked this pink party cake tutorial! Now, inquiring minds want to know – how long have you been blogging for and what do you love most about it? Do you hate its face so hard sometimes and want to throw in the (tea) towel? Casual blogger or making a living? DO tell all, Oprah Winfrey style! xo Lyndsay
This post is sponsored by Creativebug! They’ve just launched a great online baking course series. Learn baking and cake decorating techniques straight from the pros at the Wilton Test Kitchen. This information-rich course is perfect for both beginner and seasoned bakers, and by the end of the four weeks, you will have learned everything you need to know to bake and decorate professional-looking cakes with confidence.
I adore you. Your every post and instagram makes me smile so much and you give me hope as an aspiring self-taught baker and blogger. I think I’ve been blogging… longer than you… too long. And my blog has changed and changed and therefore never had focus or built up a following. But no matter, now I am an exhibiting artist and I just use it as a tool to share my artistic journey. Thanks for doing what you do!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
anna! oh you sweet thing you – thank you so much! i think it’s fantastic that your blog continues to change and change … mine certainly has to, and it’s nice to adjust the vision of it whenever you see fit! i think it’s fantastic to use it as a visual journey and a tour diary of sorts. i’ll certainly go check it out! xo
Michelle @ Hummingbird High
Yay! Happy blogiversary! I can’t believe it’s been 6 years! I loved reading your timeline up top — so fun to see how much you’ve grown and how the internet has changed within those years!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
hooray michelle! your comments always brighten my day – hehe glad you enjoyed my timeline! ^__^ so true, the internet has grown so much in leaps and bounds, especially the concept of blogging and the opportunities available in blogging. CRAZEEEE times! xoxo
Marisela @ NomNom Kingdom
Happy Blogiversary!! I wish you many years of success to come! :) I am new to blogging but have been a blog fan for many years. I have so many bookmarks its hard to keep up with but yours is a site that I visit often to see whats new. It is so pretty and cute!
I love the sharing and learning that comes with blogging, but blogging ain’t easy! Have to work super hard to get pageviews and get noticed!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
hi marisela!! thank you so much, and for being a fan of coco cake land, makes me so happy! i totally agree, the blog community can be so awesome – i’ve met so many great bloggers and friends through the sharing aspect of it. you are right – it is HARD work and not for the faint of heart, hehe! :)
Happy blog-o-versary!
I remember seeing you mustachioed cupcakes and thought “if we ever fulfill our dream of moving to Vancouver, I know where I’m going to get my little one’s first birthday cake”.
Even when you fell off the face the earth, I thought and hoped that that wasn’t the last of you.
We arrived too late for our son’s cake but, we did get the best wedding cake ever ;)
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
aw sandra it is SO nice to hear from you! ^__^ so very happy that you’ve followed me for so many years – my sincerest thank you!!! xo
Monica @ Mocha & Moccasins
6 years?! Major congrats! I just recently found your blog, but I don’t miss a post because your cakes are always beautiful.
I just went back to see those Toy Story and Sanrio cupcakes and they were amazing! You’ve got skills, Lyndsay!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
hehe! thank you so much monica!! i remember those toy story and sanrio cupcakes fondly – such a nice mom who ordered them for two crazy cute kids. so glad you’re a reader, i appreciate it!! xo
Happy Blogiversary Lyndsay! Remember those first cupcakes so well, along with that adorable caterpillar cake! Many happy returns!!! Cute pink cake!!!!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
thank you so much, dear jan!! i remember being listed on your blog as one of the most influential of the year way back, and LOSING MY MIND with excitement! thank you for all the support over the years!!!
happy bloggity blog birthday lyndsay!! super loved your candid timeline! this blog world’s a crazy one, huh?
cheers to many, many, many more years to come!
ps – LOVE that cake!!!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
hooray hooray! thank you sweet steph! because of my blog i’ve made such nice pals – including you!! ^__^
molly yeh
awwww happy blogoversary, missy!!!!! your blog truly makes the internet a happier and more colorful and sweeter place :) i loved reading your blog timeline!!! and of course, gorgeous cake as always!!!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
molly!!! thank you so much – that is truly sweet! hehe … glad you liked my blog timeline! you’re another rad online pal i’ve met through blogging life, and for that i am STOKED! :)
Yay Lyndsay!!! Happy blog-o-birthday to you!! It seems like yesterday we bought a bunch of cupcakes from you as a gift for one of our clients – uh, I guess that was AGES ago!! You’re a blog-o-supa-star now!!! Go go, Coco Cake!!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
ah, you!! thank you jeannette!! i remember that well – thanks for all the support over the years! xo
Laurel (@abubblylife)
Happy Blog Birthday!!! Your blog is so awesome and you are the sweetest, it is always wonderful and fun to read your blog!! I am still clinging to blogger… even though I shouldnt! Cheers (or whatever you say when you eat cake!) to many many more years of success!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
laurel you kind, sweet woman! thank you so much! ^__^
Megan // F Yeah!
Congrats on 6 years of blogging! I only recently discovered your site, but it’s one of my go-tos for sweet treats. Here’s hoping that the next 6 years brings you much more success!
Megan // http://www.fyeahblog.com
P.S. My blog turned 1 today so I’m giving away a Louis Vuitton clutch. Be sure to enter!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
aw thanks megan! hey, happy 1st blog birthday! ^__^
Nancy @ gottagetbaked
Happy 6 year blogiversary, Lyndsay!!! I’m so sad that I only came to know and love your blog in this past year but I’m super happy we got to meet and become friends in real life! You’re the bees knees, the cat’s pajamas, {insert any other old-school kitschy phrase for “kick ass”}. You inspire me all the time with your amazingly beautiful cakes and cupcakes. I love the way your mind works, I love how you write (so honestly and hilariously!) and reading your posts, seeing your pics always puts as huge smile on my face. Here’s to many more years of success for both your business and your blog!
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
NANCY! awww that means so much. thank you, thank you! i am also happy we have gotten to known each other too and i appreciate your sweet words deeply!!! woot!!
Michelle @ MakeMeCake.Me
Happy Bloggy Birthday!! Love your blog always and totally love the word blobette :) It’s rad. Thanks also for you and your blog’s history. Nice to have some context as a relative newby. Enjoy the day and the cake, too! ;)
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
hehe – thank you michelle!! glad you like “blobette” – i like it much better than “kiss”!!! so glad to have you as a reader! :)
Happy Blog Birthday!! I will always remember seeing your aweseome dog cake at the Design Sponge book signing a few years ago at Anthropologie. I immediately googled you and looked through every awesome post on your blog. Your blog inspires me daily. I hope to someday get to a place where I could blog for a living by sharing what I love. I’ve been blogging for who knows how long. I too was attached to a blog platform but only recently moved to my own url and host. It can be overwhelming at times but like you mentioned it’s almost addictive and obsessive to share projects with readers. After losing my job 6 months ago and finding it almost impossible to find a new one, I’ve been thinking more and more that blogging could be an option along with freelance graphic design. Anyway I’m rambling in your comments!! I mostly just wanted to say you’re more inspiring then you know! :)
I wish you many more awesome cake blogging years. Mmmm cake.
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
nicole!!! gad i just love hearing more about my newfound blog and in person pals. i think your makeovers are BRILLIANT. you are so talented, with a beautiful eye for design – i think you should definitely keep doing those and see where it takes you – look at design sponge, for instance – ! :) approach some paint and furniture or crafty companies for sponsorship, because you have all the skills required!!! freelance + blog sounds pretty great. and thank you so very much for the kind words – i’m truly touched! xo
Tessa Huff // Style Sweet CA
Happy Blog Birthday, Lyndsay!
Loved reading you mini timeline =) Can’t wait to see what the next six years bring!! I see such bright cake future for you, my friend xoxox
Lyndsay // Coco Cake Land
thank you, thank you sweet fellow baking friend!!
How did I miss this when it went up? SHAME on me. This made me feel so many feelings (and “I named my images things like DSC8090” made me lol!!! hahaha.) I LOVE this cake tutorial and love your timeline. So so glad you came back Rambo-style. Thank you so much for all that you do!
hi Lyndsay, I just wanted to say a (very belated) congratulations. Your cakes are amazing – they are so original, that’s why I love them. Keep on doing what you are doing because you do such an amazing job.
Thanks for all the inspiration! I’m your number one Pinterest fan :) Melissa